New in the range - DEN-JET high and ultra-high pressure units!

From now on, just in time for Black Friday week, you can get high-quality high and ultra-high pressure units from the Danish manufacturer DEN-JET. Secure attractive discounts of up to 30% until 26.11.2021! DEN-JET stands for top quality at fair prices and manufactures a wide range of high and ultra-high pressure units and accessories. With research and development facilities, its own CNC production and a complete manufacturing plant in Denmark, DEN-JET takes care of the business from the development idea, through realisation, to support for the end user. DEN-JET's service and sales engineers have gained a lot of experience in the field to understand most applications well. DEN-JET's product range includes complete electric, diesel, petrol, hydraulic and compressed air driven machines from 100-3000 bar for the industrial, marine and offshore markets. DEN-JET manufactures a range of pumps, power units (motor-pump units) and accessories for the OEM market and has a large stock at all its locations. The machines are usually pre-assembled to such an extent that when an order is placed, only the matching pump head needs to be fitted and the machines are ready for dispatch within a few days.
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