New in the range - Reaper rotating sewer jetting nozzle!

The Reaper Rotating Sewer Jetting Nozzle is designed and engineered specifically for water jetting applications including pipe cleaning and sewer jetting projects for the residential, municipal, industrial or contractor market.
The Reaper successfully cleans drains, industrial pipes, sewers, and tubes by clearing blockages, grease and roots with fewer passes, saving you time and money all while generating less wear and tear on hoses and operators. The Reaper’s rotating front jet is a 0-degree, straight water stream that blasts at up to 275 bar (4,000 psi) while rotating at an optimal speed to form a 24- or 30-degree cone of coverage.
Optimized stream quality results in greater impingement, allowing you to use one tool for various applications including cutting blockages, cleaning grease and removing roots. Reaper’s four or eight rear jets create a 20-degree angle for maximum thrusting and pulling power. These heavy-duty, high impact nozzles are constructed with stainless steel housing and tungsten carbide wear surfaces to withstand harsh environments and provide longer life than ceramic nozzles.
Repair kits are available for extended life and lower overall operating costs.
Applying a rotating nozzle technology to solve problems in sewer pipes provides the greatest advantage to clearing tough blockages fast. Even more specific, a jetting nozzle with a forward rotating cutting stream of water, provides a direct penetration and a stronger stream of water energy and purposeful RPM to give the greatest cutting ability. What is the best way to cut a blockage? First run the nozzle to the troubled spot. By pulling back between 180 to 360 mm (6 to 12 in.), depending on the size of the pipe, this allows the full front rotating cone of coverage to reach the outer diameter of the pipe wall.
This ensures the full impact of the cone to cut the blockage at its outer most point, while allowing the water to do the dirty work of removing the blockage from the source. This technique provides maximum water flow from the nozzle to push the entire debris field forward, clearing it completely and allowing the full exposure of the pipe. The more flow pushing forward towards the problem the more energy and power to cut through the blockage. Download catalog
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